E3T Energy Management TAG Initial Meeting
Start Date/Time: Monday, August 29, 2011 9:30 AM
Recurring Event: One time event
Importance: High Priority High Priority
Goals of the meeting
An initial “brainstorm” is at the heart of this meeting, part of a larger process to identify energy management technologies and solutions that:
  •   are emerging and not in common use in the Northwest,
  • -   can provide quantifiable, reliable electric energy savings in the region, and
  •  have the confidence of TAG members or staff to work as intended.

Please let us know if you can attend the meeting in person in our Olympia offices. For technical or engineering issues please contact Jack Zeiger at 360 956-2017 or ZeigerJ@energy.wsu.edu.For TAG support, please contact Angela Phillips at 360 956-2112 or PhillipsA@energy.wsu.edu.

Owned by Jack Zeiger On Wednesday, August 10, 2011

