2012 LED Lighting TAG Ranking Meeting
Start Date/Time: Thursday, April 5, 2012 9:30 AM
End Date/Time: Thursday, April 5, 2012 2:30 PM
Recurring Event: One time event
Importance: Normal Priority


At this critical initial meeting of the 2012 Lighting TAG, members and staff will dive right into consideration of light emitting diode (LED) technologies. A number of technologies have been identified by E3T staff forming the core of the TAG’s work(click on each technology to view more information):
Please let us know about other emerging lighting technologies that might successfully compete with the items listed above, whether they utilize LED or other technologies, and about any additional LED applications that you believe are equally or more promising than the ones listed. To compete successfully in the E3T program they must save electricity, be commercially available, and not be in common use in the Northwest. Please submit your ideas before the last day of this month by providing a title and short description to Jack Zeiger at (360) 956-2017 or zeigerj@energy.wsu.edu.

Staff will present on E3T, the TAG process, and the technologies and solutions. During this meeting TAG members will rate technologies using an online survey. By the end of the meeting we should have a pretty clear idea of which ones members will be examining for the remainder of the TAG cycle. We should have identified the membes and the lead contact for Working Groups for the surviving technologies, and we hope to be able to sketch outlines of the remainder of the TAG schedule, if not the exact dates.

Please plan on joining us then. TAG members may register here. Do let us know if you will attend in person. Please contact Alan Mountjoy-Venning at 360 956-2092 or MountjoyVenningA@energy.wsu.edu.

Owned by Angela Phillips On Wednesday, April 11, 2012

