Integrated Design Strategies
Building Design: Integrated Design Strategies vs. Independent Energy Systems
Design a strategy that considers interaction and synergy among energy systems in order to maximize building energy efficiency and cost effectiveness, such as building envelope improvements that decrease the cost of HVAC and PV systems.
Designing a building holistically is a valuable method for saving energy in buildings. In addition to creating a building that is accessible, cost effective, flexible, safe, etc, energy consumption and sustainability is something in which each member of the design, construction, and maintenance team has an impact.
For example, the choice of a mechanical system might impact the quality of the air in the building, the ease of maintenance, global climate change, operating costs, fuel choice, and whether the windows of a building are operable. In turn, the size of the mechanical system will depend on factors such as, the type of lighting and controls used, how much natural daylight is brought in, how the space is organized, the facility's operating hours, and the local microclimate. At the same time, these same materials and systems choices may have an impact on the aesthetics, accessibility, and security of the project. And for buildings intended to achieve zero net energy status, any reductions in energy use can translate to big savings in cost reductions of the photovoltaic (PV) array.
This proposal calls for encouraging architects to follow a design and construction protocol---such as the ASHRAE "Advanced Energy Design Guide for Small to Medium Office Buildings: Achieving 50% Energy Savings Toward a Net Zero Energy Building"---that includes energy and sustainability in the highest priority. Part of this protocol can be a computer simulation of the building that accounts for energy consumption and sustainability, as well as ease of maintenance and longevity.
Energy Savings: 5%
Energy Savings Rating: Extensive Assessment
What's this?
Level | Status | Description |
1 | Concept not validated | Claims of energy savings may not be credible due to lack of documentation or validation by unbiased experts. |
2 | Concept validated: | An unbiased expert has validated efficiency concepts through technical review and calculations based on engineering principles. |
3 | Limited assessment | An unbiased expert has measured technology characteristics and factors of energy use through one or more tests in typical applications with a clear baseline. |
4 | Extensive assessment | Additional testing in relevant applications and environments has increased knowledge of performance across a broad range of products, applications, and system conditions. |
5 | Comprehensive analysis | Results of lab and field tests have been used to develop methods for reliable prediction of performance across the range of intended applications. |
6 | Approved measure | Protocols for technology application are established and approved. |