Thursday December 20th 9:30 AM TO NOON
Smart Residential Thermostat FlashTAG
The E3T program convened a new type of E3T Technical Advisory Group focusing on a single technology, Smart Residential Thermostats, on December 20th, 2012. This fast select Technical Advisory Group (FlashTAG) culminated in a single two and a half hour webinar, following advance work by TAG members to prepare and provide input.
A single session TAG meeting on Smart Residential Thermostats
At this single meeting, we reviewed and discussed features of smart residential thermostats and TAG members' guidance on the feasibility of Smart Residential Thermostats as a technology suited to adoption in the region, implemented through BPA and utility conservation programs. With TAG members' help, draft research questions were prepared for BPA to consider for potential field demonstrations/assessments of SRTs.
Information on the database about four representative SRT technologies:
Please explore other areas of the TAG Portal for other information about this first ever E3T flashTAG.