Mercury-free, flat panel, microcavity discharge devices intended for general illumination, biomedical applications and other uses. Microplasma technology improves upon traditional plasma lighting technology by overcoming the limitations of conventional macro-scale plasmas and offering an ultrathin, lightweight, non-ballasted product that is inexpensive to design and make.
Introduced in 2008, microplasma lighting is based on the ionization of gas (plasma), as is fluorescent technology. The current product is about 6 square inches in area and 4 millimeters thick. It is more efficient than an incandescent lamp, mercury free and generates less heat than LEDs. It delivers a high quality light with instant on and dimming capability (no warm up).
The U.S. Air Force is strongly supportive of this technology, given that low weight, small size, cool operation and relatively high output (30 to 40 lumens/watt) are assets when installed in crowded cockpits. Its low profile makes it easy to package, ship, and store (Herring, 2012). Microplasma lighting is dimmable and has a life of 50,000 hours. Microplasma is not sensitive to temperature within the range of -200°C to 800°C. The color rendering is high, at 80-85, and the color temperature is controllable.
This technology is emerging and has not yet found a market niche for which it represents the energy efficient or superior product. Current this planar light source is used in photography studio and video lighting. Advances in cold cathode fluorescent lighting efficiency and LEDs may prevent this technology from reaching the market in conventional or general lighting applications. Other early uses may include architectural or display lighting. The cost in January 2011 was $1.04 per lumen/watt, which is expected to drop as lumen output increases.
Baseline Description:
This planar or curved-surface lighting technology is emerging and has not yet found a significant energy using market niche for which it represents the energy efficient or superior product. Currently this planar light source is used in photography studio and video lighting and may find a role in appliance and/or transportation lighting. Advances in cold cathode fluorescent lighting efficiency and LEDs may prevent this technology from reaching the market in conventional or general lighting applications. Other early applications may include architectural or display lighting.
"Typical" Savings: 0%
Simple payback, new construction (years): N/A
Simple payback, retrofit (years): N/A
Cost Effectiveness is calculated using baseline energy use, best estimate of typical energy savings, and first cost. It does not account for factors such as impacts on O&M costs (which could be significant if product life is greatly extended) or savings of non-electric fuels such as natural gas. Actual overall cost effectiveness could be significantly different based on these other factors.
J. Gary Eden, 12/19/2007. Advances in microplasma array lamps SPIE
J. Gary Eden, 07/01/2010. Flexible Displays: Sheetlike microplasma arrays have many applications Laser Focus World
Ashley Paddock, 02/01/2012. Microplasma arrays promise to revolutionize lighting Photonics Spectra
USAF, 02/01/2012. Development of Microplasma Arrays for High Efficiency Lighting Tiles Air Force STTR Phase II Final Report
Tina Casey, 11/19/2011. Air Force Puts Muscle Behind New Ultra-Efficient Lighting System Clean Technica
Solid-State Lighting Technology Fact Sheet, 03/01/2013. Energy Efficiency of LEDs U.S. DOE Building Technologies Program
Cy Herring, 01/01/2012. Microplasma Planar Lighting Eden Park Illumination
Lighting Research Center, 01/01/2006. How Does the Efficacy of HW-CFLs Compare to Other Light Sources? Rensselaer