Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring (NILM) started in the 80's at MIT by George W. Hart (he called it NALM from "Nonintrusive Appliance Load Monitoring). The first patented approach used hardware attached at a single point of access to observe power step changes and correlated these step changes with mainly resistive loads. The goal is to determine the energy consumption and operating profile of individual residential appliances based upon a detailed analysis of current and voltage at the main breaker or circuit level. Each appliance has a unique signature or power jump. Advances since 1980 focus on load disaggregation algorithm development and on properly identifying multi-state and continuously varying loads. Advanced algorithms take harmonics and transients into account to identify when combinations of appliances are in use. The Fraunhofer Center states that "no complete NILM" solution is available as tests on currently available algorithms produce a 71% appliance classification accuracy (Zeifman, 2011). NEEA is pursuing field testing of several NILM devices in testbed homes in the Portland and Seattle areas. They are planning on testing Enetics, Belkin, Bidgely, Plotwatt, and Energy Aware. The units are being installed in the field now (October 2013) , with results expected after 3 to 4 months of field monitoring.
NILM can be of use to homeowners and building managers to monitor energy consumption on an appliance-by-appliance basis without having to install dedicated sensors. Energy monitors have been developed by Onzo and Navetas (in the UK) that provide a wealth of information to homeowners and which can include NILM data. Onzo's energy monitor is distributed by Scottish and Southern Energy (SSE) and consists of a sensor the clips onto a cable at the electrical meter, a battery operated display that wirelessly is connected to the electric meter sensor, and a USB cable so that information can be uploaded to a PC and ultimately to a utility sponsored account. The display indicates power in real time, energy use by day, target energy use, money spent on energy use (this week, last week), and provides alerts when use exceeds targets or when grid use is high. The on-line account allows users to build an "appliance list" and provides details on home energy use by appliance as well as trending and comparisons with comparable households (SSE, 2013). Energy savings due to use of this complete package of feedback capabilities might be in the 5% to 15% range (Zeifman, 2011).
Onzo has collected high resolution energy data from thousands of households and captured energy signatures from thousands of household appliances. This data serves as input to their advanced appliance load disaggregation technology. The ultimate application of the NILM technology might be to utilities trying to reduce the cost of and simplify conducting energy end use load studies and load management research (Bonneville Power Administration, 2013). Understanding the sizing and timing of end use loads may be of greatest value to utilities operating demand management programs. They can capture rich data on end user behavior and on their response to information provided or to price signals.
BPA, in conjunction with Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, have launched a study (2014--2016) to investigate and standardize procedures to determine the accuracy of NILM technology in disaggregating energy use for single loads from a single, building level meter. BPA notes that "Energy savings of 2% to 3% from customer feedback is now well documents, with programs that employ additional customer engagement strategies and tactics claiming much higher per participant savings" (from Skip Schick and Summer Goodwin, BPA "Residential Behavior Based Energy Efficiency Program Profiles", December, 2011).
Baseline Example:
Baseline Description: Typical Northwest Residence Less Space Heat Load
Baseline Energy Use: 4671 kWh per year per unit
The average per home non-space heating electrical energy use for the region is 4,671 kWh/year (Baylon, 2012 Pgs 109-111). It is not to be expected that NILM will reduce home space heating requirements, especially if a smart electrical thermostat is employed.
Manufacturer's Energy Savings Claims:
"Typical" Savings: 8%
Savings Range: From 5% to 15%
Scotish and Southern Energy (SSE) offered the Onzo Smart Energy kit to their customers at no cost. Between October 2010 and June 2011, 25,000 kits were sent to their customers (they were designed to fit inside a standard mailbox). A sample of 5,000 of the 12,000 customers that uploaded data into their accounts reveal a sustained reduction in overall electrical energy use of 8% with a shift in usage off the peak equal to 5%. Their program design did not include reinforcing message to remind customers to connect the equipment, access the web, or upload data (Sanchez-Loureda, 2011). Onzo's Appliance Detection Technology allows utilities to provide their customers with appliance level data and can include an itenized bill (by month) that gives a breakdown of energy use by appliance. This information can assist the utility to target customers for new product and service offerings, plus even include some basic appliance diagnostic monitoring. Monitoring can also be used with elderly or infirm so a alert occurs if there is a change in their lifestyle or unusual behavior.
Note that electrical loads in Scotland are different than in the Northwest as they don't have significant electric space and water heating. The base electrical load was about 10 kWh per day and this load was reduced to 9.2 kWh per day per participant for a savings of 0.76 kWh/day (or 277 kWh/year).
Best Estimate of Energy Savings:
"Typical" Savings: 2%
Low and High Energy Savings: 0% to 15%
Energy Savings Reliability: 2 - Concept validated
It is difficult to attribute savings due to non-intrusive appliance load monitoring in the residential or commercial sectors as the NILM capabilities are often incorporated into a real time home energy monitoring device with a number of information feedback capabilities, alerts, and sources of energy savings information. The Fraunhofer Institute states that feedback on energy usage can result in 5% to 15% savings. NILM data are likely to be of greater interest to the local utility than the homeowner as they can use this information in their studies of energy use by load type. Timing of loads is also of great interest to those devising load management programs or structuring time-of-day rates.
The Onzo Scottish experience results in a savings of 277 kWh/year with a baseline electrical load (non-space and water heating) of about 3,650 kWh/year. Given a non-space and water heating load of 4,671 kWh/year in the U.S., a savings estimate of 354 kWh/year is expected. This is about 8% of non-space and water heating loads and the annual savings is somewhat consistent with the behavior change results obtained with programs such as OPower that might save 2% of total Northwest home electrical energy consumption or 250 to 350 kWh/year.
First Cost:
Installed first cost per: unit
Emerging Technology Unit Cost (Equipment Only): $700.00
Emerging Technology Installation Cost (Labor, Disposal, Etc.): $0.00
Baseline Technology Unit Cost (Equipment Only): $0.00
Fully metering a home is very expensive, costing thousands of dollars. Pricing information on NILMs is scarce because of its pre-commercialization status. EMME is a Portland company working on a product that would cost in the $300-$400 range, with a $400 additional piece of display equipment required. Onzo works with utilities and apparently does not sell its NILM equipment on the open market. Their cost is apparently low enough that utilities can provide the NILM equipment to residential customers free of charge.
Cost Effectiveness:
Simple payback, new construction (years): 83.3
Simple payback, retrofit (years): 83.3
What's this?
Cost Effectiveness is calculated using baseline energy use, best estimate of typical energy savings, and first cost. It does not account for factors such as impacts on O&M costs (which could be significant if product life is greatly extended) or savings of non-electric fuels such as natural gas. Actual overall cost effectiveness could be significantly different based on these other factors.
Detailed Description:
A class of products that monitor a building’s energy usage from a single point of access and disaggregate energy uses into individual components.
Potential applications for NILMs include: 1) load monitoring/forecasting/research by utilities and energy efficiency organizations, 2) energy audit tool, and 3) component of an energy management system to provide actionable information.
Potential sectors include residential, commercial, and industrial, although most current efforts appear to be focused on residential applications. Access methods and degrees of intrusiveness vary for devices that plug into standard electrical outlets, devices requiring current transformers (CTs) at the electrical panel, devices that are inserted into the utility meter, and some methods that are software only (utilizing SmartMeter data). With these devices, users can determine which appliances use the most energy and perhaps identify appliances that are left powered on for longer than is necessary. Users on time of day rates can determine the most cost effective times to use energy intensive appliances.
Basic operations include: 1) signal processing for methods with hardware, 2) signal uploading to a computer server (typically in “the cloud”), 3) analysis using pattern matching and similar algorithms to identify and classify individual loads, and 4) download to the user using a home energy management display or similar system.
Approaches to identify loads vary and research in this area is ongoing. Some methods require significant user training (turning devices on and off to “teach” the device); other methods seek to leverage pre-loaded signature libraries that gain experience as they are exposed to more loads.
The accuracy of products varies depending on the targeted usage. Accuracy ranges from a goal of very accurate load identification and characterization (at least as accurate as other metering technologies) to simply identifying the top energy uses with 10-20% accuracy.
Standard Practice:
Existing monitoring techniques are invasive and expensive. They require monitoring devices for each appliance or plug-load, typically cost thousands of dollars per home, and require the installation of numerous pieces of equipment. In residential applications, whole home energy usage information is readily available along with comparative and trend data (e.g. oPower), but information on individual loads is not available, making it difficult to ascertain which loads are responsible for energy usage. Conditional Demand Analysis (CDA) is a modeling technique that can be used to disaggregate end uses, but this requires time intensive field studies and surveys along with relatively large samples to support the statistical characterizations. Note that CDA does not support real-time information but is useful for longer term studies.
Development Status:
Pioneering NILM work was first introduced by George Hart in the 1980s. Enetics has offered products in this area since 1996, based on work by Hart and EPRI. Their product is dated (using a Microsoft Windows 95-type interface), must be installed by an electrician at the utility meter, requires manual appliance identification, and does not provide real-time or automated load identification (although they say they are “working on this”). Their business model and target market is utilities, and the product requires an investment of $1,200/meter and $8,000 for software.
New developments in this area focus on less intrusive monitoring, more sophisticated signal measurements and signal processing, lower costs, real-time load identification, and interfaces with energy management displays. These newer products are in the pre-commercialization phase. Companies currently developing products in this area include (in no particular order): Intel, EMME, Belkin, Enetics, Navetas, Onzo, LoadIQ, PlotWatt and Verdigrist . Other companies are offering products that do not currently provide disaggregating capabilities, but are focused on related areas such as metering, home area networks and home energy management systems. These include TED, PowerHouse Dynamics, Blue Line Innovations, Energy Hub, Tendril, and many others.
LoadIQ is leveraging advances in signal processing and proprietary algorithms developed over the last decade to deliver load-level energy intelligence from a single hardware connection. They claim that for commercial buildings, nearly every energy-savings effort can be improved by using more granular energy intelligence. The primary obstacle has always been the cost of acquiring the data. LoadIQ's EI.Monitor is installed at a facility's main electrical distribution panel and is a single hardware connection that delivers load-level energy information. The Enable.EI platform tracks energy consumption and power quality for specific loads and converts data into intelligence for building owners and operators. The system is esigned for commercial buildings, 3- phase, 3-wire (delta) and 3-phase, 4-wire (wye) circuits with 100 VAC to 305 VAC (line to neutral/ground).
NILM represents the evolution of energy management software for building owners and operators, going from utility statements to web-based dashboards and business intelligence/analytics. NILM capabilities allow the software to uncover actionable insights at the load level. NILM provides answers to the following questions:
*What devices and end-uses are driving energy consumption?
*What loads are responsible for your current peak demand?
*What is the energy cost of operating a specific piece of equipment?
Non-Energy Benefits:
NILM's can be integrated into leading energy management software applications. When proposing big ticket energy efficiency measures, it makes sense to access and leverage detailed load-level energy data to justify the retrofit, and then measure the results. If grants or utility rebates are involved, such load monitoring may be required.
End User Drawbacks:
The pioneering work in NILMs occurred in the 1980s, but nobody has successfully driven this technology into the marketplace. Microsoft and Google have entered and exited the home energy management market, and a lot of startups as well as established companies are trying to penetrate this market. More volatility in the market is to be expected, making it difficult for consumers and business partners to move forward.
The ability of the technology to successfully differentiate energy sources in a real environment still needs to be proven through lab and field studies. Also, the information must be presented and integrated into a system that provides actionable information (such as a home energy management display) so end users can make decisions that reduce their energy consumption.
There is a danger of providing too much information as well as too little, which could stifle the ability of this technology to penetrate the mass market. Research into the effectiveness of home energy management systems must accompany research into the core NILM technology to ensure energy-saving benefits.
Operations and Maintenance Costs:
No information available.
Competing Technologies:
Several products on the market do not disaggregate, but rather rely on low-cost monitoring devices to plug in between appliances and the wall socket. These devices communicate wirelessly to a central unit and display energy uses for devices that are plugged into these monitoring devices. While these products do not contain elegant disaggregating technology, they could provide “good enough” insight into primary energy uses, particularly if a low-cost, non-intrusive method to incorporate whole home energy usage and dedicated circuit loads (such as HVAC, hot water, oven) was included with these products.
Reference and Citations:
Baylon, et. al.,
2011 Residential Building Stock Assessment: Single-Family Characteristics and Energy Use
Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance & Ecotope
Non-Intrusive Appliance Load Monitoring (NIALM): Review and Outlook
IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics
iplan: Your User Guide
SSE and Southern Energy (UK)
TIP 295: EPRI End Use Loads--Phase 1 Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring (NILM) Device Lab Testing
Bonneville Power Administration
Advanced Nonintrusive Load Monitoring System
Ph.D. Thesis, MIT Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Sanchez-Loureda, et. al.,
Onzo Smart Energy Kit: IHD Efficacy Report
Butner, et. al.,
Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring Assessment: Literature Review and Laboratory Protocol
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Bergman, et. al.,
Distributed Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring
Proceedingsof the IEEE/PES Conference on Innovative Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT 2011)
Load Identification in Nonintrusive Load Monitoring Using Steady-State and Turn-on Transient Energy Algorithms
2010 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD)
Nonintrusive Appliance Load Monitoring
Proceedings of the IEEE
Kim, et. al.,
Unsupervised Disaggregation of Low Frequency Power Measurements
The 11th SIAM International Conference on Data Mining
Zeifman, et. al.,
Non-intrusive Appliance Load Monitoring (NIALM): Promise and Practice: Building America Stakeholder Meeting
Fraunhofer USA
Norford, et. al.,
Advanced Electrical Load Monitoring: A Wealth of Information at Low Cost
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Froehlich, et. al.,
Disaggregated End-Use Energy Sensing for the Smart Grid
IEEE: Pervasive Computing
Berges, et. al.,
Enhancing Electricity Audits in Residential Buildings with Nonintrusive Load Monitoring
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Top papers of 2012 for Non-Intrusive Appliance Load Monitoring (NIALM)
University of Southampton
Emerging Technologies Showcase: Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring
Z. Cihan
Taysi, et. al.,
TinyEARS: Spying on House Appliances with Audio Sensor Nodes
ACM: BuildSys '10 Proceedings of the 2nd ACM Workshop on Embedded Sensing Systems for Energy-Efficiency in Building
Giri, et. al.,
A Study On the Feasibility of Automated Data Labeling and Training Using an EMF Sensor in NILM platforms
Proceedings of the 2012 International {EG-ICE} Workshop on Intelligent Computing
Rowe, et. al.,
Contactless Sensing of Appliance State Transitions through Variations in Electromagnetic Fields
ACM: BuildSys '10 Proceedings of the 2nd ACM Workshop on Embedded Sensing Systems for Energy-Efficiency in Building