Technical Score Details
TAG Technical Score: 3.0 out of 5
How significant and reliable are the energy savings?
Energy Savings Score:
Comments: 1. With most exterior lighting ondusk-to-dawn every day of the year, with little occupancy or need for fulllight output, there is large energy savings potential. In addition to thesavings from controls, new dimmable sources, such as LEDs, can be more efficientthan existing HID sources. The savings is excellent for reliable controls. Forbehavior-based controls, such as occupancy, the savings will vary amongapplications. For SCE, exterior lighting is on during off-peak hours, so theenergy savings is not as valuable as the energy savings from applications thatare on-peak (around noon to early evening during the hottest days of the yearwhen air conditioning is the primary load on our electrical system).
2. These controls systems when combinedwith LED technology can have substantial energy savings without losingperformance in the space.
3. Highly variable, if streetlightingdimming may not be allowed. In private parking lots, etc. savings could besubstantial if currently illuminated all night every night and could switch tostep dimming or period of off.
4. Very application specific but cangenerate good savings. Savings can befairly reliable/predicable because usage patterns are likely more predicablethat interior applications.
5. Save by dimming, shorter hours; andusing to tune so that areas are not overlit to begin with
6. This technology holds greatpotential as these lights are generally on for long periods of time and are notgenerally controlled beyond Time clocks and photocells.
How great are the non-energy advantages for adopting this technology?
Non-Energy Benefits Score:
Comments: 1. The non-energy benefits are 5-VeryGood. For exterior area and street lighting, safety and security is veryimportant. Some systems provide energy and usage information on exteriorfixture performance. Dimming LED products also enables longer life to reducemaintenance costs.
2. The controllability of the LEDfixture allows for greater control of light levels to insure safety, aestheticsand performance while saving energy.
3. Systems can also provideinfrastructure management functions, such as identifying non-functioningluminaires. Can also provide energyconsumption data.
4. The 2-way reporting of failed lampsis probably more valuable for saving time and money locating and repairingfailed units.
Depending on what additional features are included there could be more benefitsfor police being able to control lighting in crimes scenes, occupancy sensorresponse could alert security staff to activity, integrated security systems,designation of evacuation routes, attracting customers to special events,load-shedding management, car lot sales could adjust for after hours occupants,
5. Not too many but some (maintenancerelated, etc)
6. Could be some safety benefits whenlights respond to occupancy/movement
How ready are product and provider to scale up for widespread use in the Pacific Northwest?
Technology Readiness Score:
Comments: 1. For limited area controls, such as aparking garage, parking lot, or area lighting, there are many systems availablefor lighting controls based on available light, occupancy, and schedules. Forlarger areas, there are generally limitations in occupancy sensor rangecompared to lighting area covered. Street and roadway lighting is a verydifferent application for dynamic lighting controls. This will requireadditional information from IES, NHTSA and others to ensure roadway safety.
2. Various products are Very Good. But end users really need to understand thetechnology and what they want out of it. Know the difference between good performing products and vendor hype. Expectations can only be met if the rightproduct for the application is selected.
3. Systems have been implemented insmaller scale applications, but are not in widespread use.
4. Equipment is available, how manyinstallers are trained and compatible systems available for an existing system Idon't know, many products are proprietary.
5. I am not super familiar with thespecific offerings in this area. I dobelieve there are some but this it definitely somewhat "cutting-edge"and products still need to be "proven" in some areas (how reliableare wireless signals; can outdoor occ sensors in parking lots reliable sensorin poor weather, etc)
6. A number of good systems alreadyavailable
How easy is it to change to the proposed technology?
Ease of Adoption Score:
Comments: 1. For limited area controls, such as aparking garage, parking lot, or area lighting, the ease of adoption is good.The ease of adoption in large, roadway and street lighting is more difficult.
2. Adopting these systems has becomemuch easier as more players enter the field, but the costs of installing newfixtures and systems made be problematic.
3. Depends on what compatible equipmentis available and if experienced installer and commissioner is available.
4. Fairly easy retrofit but may haveissues listed above
5. Generally, deployment necessitatesnew fixture installation.
Considering all costs and all benefits, how good a purchase is this technology for the owner?
Value Score:
Comments: 1. Prices for exterior LED products aredecreasing. Depending on the application and usage patterns of the customer,this is generally a good buy. This is especially true for parking garages,where the lights are on 24x7.
2. Currently prices are anywhere from$150 to $250 per unit. Prices have tocome way done. Once this is in the $50range adoption will be more widely spread.
3. If doing lighting and controls atthe same time or controls only first. Controls after a lighting upgrade may notbe cost effective
4. As the cost of replacement fixturesand systems comes down in price, the value of these systems will rise. In newconstruction, these system should be implemented where ever possible.
5. Installation expense can be abarrier if only energy savings are considered. Including non-energy benefits can improve the economics.
6. The self-reporting of problems seemsto be more important than the energy savings to many. Energy savings could besubstantial in appropriate locations.
7. Application specific bysavings/value can be good.
5/15/2013 4:32:03 PM
Last Edited:
5/15/2013 4:32:03 PM