This database currently includes about 300 technologies and is updated regularly. You can scroll through the entire database or you can use the search tool on the right to focus on specific types of technologies or sectors. The search tool defaults to looking for the exact phrase entered in the search box, however a broader search is possible by unchecking the 'Use exact phrase' option.Refer to our glossary for terms and field definitions used in this database.
Click any of the category headers (e.g., "Energy Systems," "Sectors," etc.) to select filter criteria that will narrow down the list of E3T technologies displayed.
You may also (or instead) use key words and/or phrases. Results can be more specific if you use phrases (enclosed in quotes) rather than words only. For example, entering the words "variable" and "speed" (without quotes) into the "Key Words and Phrases" box will return any technologies where either word is present in the information stored for that technology. But if you enter "variable speed" (including the quotes) only technologies where that exact phrase appears will be returned.
Note that technologies and new information that have been entered very recently may not appear until the next time our search engine indexes the site. Indexing occurs about every 4 hours.